Smt. Chandaben Mohanbhai Patel Homoeopathic Medical College
The College is housed in a four acre campus and has 12 well-equipped departments and lecture rooms for teaching and laboratories for practical training.
This twostoreyedstructure is equipped withstateofthe artinfrastructure and is continuallyunderCCTVsurveillance.
The Institute has all the infrastructure needed, mainly a premier college, a teaching hospital, teaching personnel, well stocked library, beautiful botanical and herbal gardens.
The college incorporates 12 Departments working hand in hand for nurturing the budding Homeopaths. Inaddition,most departments have their very own experimental and demonstrative laboratories,to enhance the learning experience. They have also developed separate departmental libraries,inaddition to the Central Library which are frequently updated to include latest additions from the medical field.
The institution has within itself separate common rooms for boys and girls, as well as respective locker room facility.
The College has the following departments along with all medical and paramedical subjects, the facilities being better than most Homeopathic Colleges in India and elsewhere.
1. Department of Anatomy
2. Department of Physiology and Biochemistry
3. Department of Homeopathic Pharmacy
4. Department of Homeopathic Materia Media
5. Department of Organon of Medicine and Homeopathic Philosophy
6. Department of Pathology
7. Department of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology
8. Department of Surgery and Homeopathic Therapeutics
9. Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology and Homeopathic Therapeutics
10. Department of Medicine and Homeopathic Therapeutics
11. Department of Case Taking and Repertorisation
12. Department of Community Medicine
Lecture Halls
In sync with advent of modern technology, the Institute has air-conditioned Lecture halls with Multi-media Projectors, to impart an audio-visual medical training to students and interns through various medical software and audio, video and PowerPoint presentations.
Ithas six spaciouslecturehalls,eachcapableof accommodating 100students ata time.Multimediaequipped,Air conditionedclassroomswithbiometricsystemfor attendanceprovide comfortable andefficient learning environment.
The brain or the storehouse of any institute is the LIBRARY and the institute boasts of one of the best. The Library has an air-conditioned ambience. It has a seating capacity for 100 students and 10 faculty members and has a huge collection of books, journals and periodicals covering all topics including some rare pieces of work. Our library is the best as far as Homeopathic books are concerned.
The Institute also provides the facility for accessing Online Medical Journals.
Juhu Jagruti Auditorium
Honoring thetradition ofall rounddevelopment, thecollegehouses anair-conditionedauditoriumwhichwitnesses theamalgamationofcultural programs as well aseducational seminarsandotherco-curricularactivities.
Seminars, scientific meetings and cultural programs of the students are regularly held in this air-conditioned auditorium. It is also used for lectures with audiovisual aid for students. The seating capacity is 255.
The College leaves no stone unturned in imparting quality training and employs the latest teaching aids.